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Aydian Dowling

The first moment I could see my future as a trans man or trans masculine person was...
I first saw my future as a trans man when I met a trans man in person who was a few years older than me. I transitioned before social media in 2008/2009. I didn't even really know there were people who felt like me out there. When I was introduced to a 20-something trans man who had a girlfriend, a good job, lived in his own apartment it opened my eyes to understanding that I could be happy, I could be successful and I could be loved as the trans man I am.
Resources that helped me...
The resources that have helped me see my future as a trans man are the local LGBTQ+ clinics, social media, youtube, people who are brave enough to share their stories as well as local in-person support groups.
Character drawings by Joey Borrelli.
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