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The first moment I could see my future as a trans man or trans masculine person was...
I never saw my future as a trans man. I saw my future as a man.
Resources that helped me...
I have trouble with the wording of this question... as I said I never saw my future as a trans man. I saw my future as a man. And the resources I found helped me emerge. Loren Cameron's book Body Alchemy was huge for me. My friendship with Jamison Green was a big support and gift (his book is amazing too). Network Chiropractic adjustments helped me align with my body. Courses I took in personal development were key to telling myself my truth. The work of Byron Katie helped me deal early on with beliefs I was carrying. Early on I joined a support group of men who were in various stages of transition. They modeled for me what was possible.
Character drawings by Joey Borrelli.
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